I am no further along on Mt's quilt than last post despite being off last Friday through Tuesday. Last Saturday I did chores and running around, then all the kids were home for pizza and blueberry birthday cake for Chris (blueberry is his favourite). Tuesday Mt booked the day off work, inspected the apartment and got the key. My dad and I helped him move in his boxes (books and kitchen stuff) and a few tables for the living room. We went out with mom to pick up some things we missed and looked for curtains after dinner. This Saturday is his official move out day when we move the big things bed, couch, computer, excetera. Chris is off work so I doubt I'll have to do much heavy lifting. I'm really excited for him and trying to supress all other emotions I'm having.
Mt's kitchen |
Thank goodness Mt laughed when I told him his quilt wasn't going to be ready. He's not too concerned seeing he plans to bring his laundry home regularily. He's not impressed with the thought of $5 per load to use the facilities in his building. He has also extended an open invitation as long as we give him 24 hours notice. While he's not an untidy person - dishes are his least favourite chore. It's a clean building but it's also an older building and the implications of not having a dishwasher didn't sink in until after he signed the lease. LOL I can just imagine the dish washing frenzy that will be going on before every visit!
Of course as soon as Wednesday morning hit I was itching to get in my sewing area. More running around after work the past few evenings so sewing has been on hold.
So what did I do Friday, Sunday and Monday??? They were wasted days where I lived like a zoned out couch potato thinking about all we have to do over the next few weeks and coming up with game plans for each step. I thought about working on hexies but even that seemed like too much effort.
Next post I hope to have some pictures of Mt's new digs all set up and progress pictures of my new sewing room! I would love to say there will be actual quilting progress but that's unlikely until my sewing room move is complete.
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