No that isn't your eyes playing tricks on you, you read that post title right! Puppy Love is quilted, bound, washed and ready for use. I'm really happy with the way it turned out. I can't believe it took me a year to get that done after the quilt top and back had been finished. Binding was going great until I got to the join. I ended up hand sewing it after many attempts to machine stitch. No matter how pinned it was (tried with lots of pins. less pins, no pins) I just couldn't get it together. I realized I forgot to label my quilt. LOL. I'll try to remember on the next one.
Front |
Murphy's Law came into play. After a few beautiful sunny days, it came out of the dryer after the sun had started going down and the weather forecast for the next few days is rain. I quickly ran out and pinned it to the clothes line and took some pictures.
I think the back looks interesting, but I'm not sure if I would go to all that trouble for a back again. I was pretty worried it wouldn't line up or would be off center.
Back |
We are actually happy about the rain that's coming our way. We put down top soil down on our front yard on Monday to level it along with a ton of grass seed. Also we got the side garden built and planted. Previously, the space between the house and the walk was filled with river rock. I think Chris did a fabulous job relaying the walk and building the gardens using all materials we had in the garage.
Now on to my one of my mom's quilts. Not sure which I want to start on first. Hopefully it won't take a year to finish!!
One last look |
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