It's DONE!!! Meeting up with Jackie tomorrow evening for dinner then off to D's work. She's been told not to take her break until her mom gets there. She still has no clue about this quilt lol! Sunday afternoon I dropped in on my parents with the quilt as soon as it was out of the dryer. They've seen and heard about this quilt thoughout the process and wanted to show them the final product before I gave it away. Pictures were taken at their house.

As I mentioned last post, I ripped the binding off D's Stars a few times. I'd had enough with this binding so I scrapped it and started fresh. I had a few hiccups with the fresh binding as well. I found that my space felt awkward and was fighting to feed it though straight. I used my 90's singer for the binding, while I used my old 1948 Singer for piecing and my powerquilter for quilting. What was different, well its a different table, my ironing board was right behind me, I was on the rolling chair instead of my usual smaller chair and my table had my bobbin winder and some fabric piled all over the place. Hmm something to think about...
With D's Stars finished it's time to get moving on MT's Layers of Charm quilt. Again, I have a short deadline (see Big News below). I've decided to start with stich in the ditch then figure it out from there. I'm fretting over the binding now which is a switch, it's usually the quilting I'm stressing over.

Big News -MT and I spent Saturday together, he needed to sign his lease and took the opportunity to show me his apartment. It's tiny but we'll laid out, clean and secure. We did some running around looking at furniture, we found a beautiful couch but at 1500, this was his entire furnishing budget so we are going to keep looking. We did have some luck at Home Outfitters, he got a vacuum, the Henckel knife set he wanted, some pots and pans. He loves to cook and they had a major sale so it was a real score He gets the keys on the 29th but officially moves in April 2nd. I have Friday the 25th off for Stat holiday and booked the following Monday and Tuesday months ago for 'me' days. Tuesday is the day he gets his keys. He's planning to take the day off as well so we can prep (unpack his kitchen stuff, hang curtains) and checkout Ikea to
hopefully find a couch and some last minute things (dish rack, cutting boards, excetera) I'll be honest I'm not sure I'm ready but he is, so its time to let him fly.
Did I mention his room will be my new sewing/office. 16x19 room with big windows for natural light. I have tons of ideas but want to do this on a shoestring budget. More on this later.
Last but not least, while out with Martin on Saturday, I was finally able to make my way back to Michaels and picked up the second last Happy Planner they had on the shelves. Crazy! I bought the expansion pack and added March - June (planner goes July 2016 -December 2017). The paper and lifestyle expansions which has sections for recipies, budget, will need to go another Micheals to buy the larger rings (my local store was sold out).