It's been slow going on the girls quilts, I've been working on both simultaneously. They aren't complicated I just keep changing my mind on the best way to go. I don't have as much variety in the gold color for R's quilt as I do the others so I'm using the two different gold that I originally bought for the back. It didn't start off that way so I do have more blocks than shown - perfect for pillow cases. The batting is queen size which is bigger than I anticipated. I've got it pinned up so it isn't dragging on the floor/getting stepped on. It looks bad but is practical for my current purposes.

M's quilt changed somewhat. I originally made blocks with no white, but decided it would look better with white in the mix. I completed blocks and stacks of 4 ready to go that I ended up taking apart to add the white between the blocks. These are just a small portion that I've managed to get back together. I'm not sure how big these quilts are going to end up, I'm going to keep plugging away and see how far I get.
I also started making hexie flowers with 3 Sisters Favorites. I seem to go through spurts of hexies. I really should be working on my table runner though. I don't know what it is about making hexies in solid white that I find uninspiring, this feeling is what helped determine that the flowers would be joined as is instead of surrounding them by a solid colour.
Looking at other blogs I keep seeing Elizabeth Hartman's Fancy Fox. It's really grown on me and I may add it to my wish list. We'll just have to see where my head is when I get the girls quilts off my plate.
On a personal note, Chris is driving up to Edmonton to vist his brother and sister in law with his dad later this week. They are going up with a trailer to drop off some furniture and is going to be a long drive for them both. It's going to be a strange few weeks with him gone - I'm usually the one leaving for a work thing. It'll be good for him to see them, Doug is older by a year and 13 days, they've always been really close but we've only seen them once since they moved 4 years ago. I wish I could go nut I just don't have the time banked at work and next week is exam week at the high schools. I can't believe how fast this year is flying. Next week we will be halfway through June already!
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