I have put Mineral Springs on hold. I was able to get everything on my design wall joined with the exception on that last section but it's really short. I can easily add another 8 rows (there is about 3 times the amount of batting space at the top as shown at bottom). Would I be happy the size it is? No, so I ordered another jelly roll of Parrot from Hamels so it will be about 2 weeks until I receive the order.
What to do next... enjoyed the backyard looking through the magazine Chris brought home the latest Better Homes and Gardens Quilts for Every Occasion. I saw this pattern and thought wow R's fabric would be stunning like this, showed the girls and M said Do my quilt that way and R responded Flowers? Really Mom? I pointed out the centers didn't have to be flowers could be stars, hearts... skulls.... whatever she wanted. Seeing she has finally started wearing pink in small doses again And while she'll never admit at the ripe old age of 17, Pink is her favorite color but has refused to wear it other than as a hair color after someone made a comment that was the only color she wore (this was in kindergarten). I thought maybe she'd want something a bit more feminine but it was a no go.
Pulling out other quilt magazines looking for she'd go for something, she focused in on this. She really liked this one out of Fons & Porter Quilting Quickly May/June 2015 issue
Final decisions?
M Petal Patchwork in Blackbird Fabrics - Plum Sweet
R Mini Donuts in Kansas Troubles - Token of Friendship.
Lessons learned this weekend:
One jelly roll isn't enough for Mineral Springs
Nothing is ever set in stone
Where I sit now, 3 Sisters - Favorites is free for whatever I want, back to the drawing board for Farmer's wife. Hmmm, maybe I should go with Farm girl vintage - After all, it's a womans perogative to change her mind ;) lol my girl's don't fall from the indecision tree.
Planting is done and one more day of the weekend. I love long weekends! Tomorrow is the day to get started on both quilts so there is no more mind changing.
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