
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

Last post for 2013 and I'm ecstatic to see the tail end of this year. I have to say the past few years have been the most emotionally exhausting years of my life and I'm hoping 2014 will be more calm and I will have more time to sew, post and just enjoy life. I'm not making any resolutions because I've never made one I haven't broken before February arrives.

Pictured is the new addition to our family - Piper the guinea pig. She is a real sweetie and belongs to my youngest daughter.

I have been extremely good about not making more fabric purchases up til yesterday sticking to my scheduled purchases from the fabric of the month clubs only. Well yesterday I let the lid off that and it's been a buying itch since. I went to the LQS for heat resistant batting and walked out with that and 6 packs of Scrumptious Candy packs from Bonnie and Camille but other than buying these Candy packs have no color scheme set for that project. I really like it but I still love the 3 Sisters flea market so I went to Fat Quarter shop and bought a bunch of the Candy packs (mini charms packs for my US friends) and with a one price fits all for shipping costs I decided to tack a solid natural jelly roll into the mix. I'm praying they have all packs in stock - I have a plan. I'm going to keep the entire scheme very feminine.

My long awaited vacation is a bit more than half over already. I have practically nothing to show for the past week (or past 2 months for that matter) I have made tons of tops for mug rugs, table runners using various Christmas fabric but not much for the backing. So I only have a tiny finish. I'm still on my hexie kick so it's all been done by hand. I wasn't sure how I was going to attach the back to the front with the extra thermal padding. I don't love it. I do like the way the the section I closed it up looks so I won't be flipping and sewing right sides together on the next. I did small ties in the corners to keep the batting down. Pictured is the front and back of the second and the completed (green with pine cones).
As you can see we were all spoiled again this year. Here are the girls stocking, the boys and Chris's were about the same amount of overflow. Apparently I need to make some new ones next year that are oversized or supplemental to the ones we have. Got to have enough room for those Christmas stocking staples of socks and underwear.

We all got our new phones as a pre-Christmas gift. I don't think we suffered from not having enough gifts to unwrap without them under the tree. Galaxy S4 for me, I'm slowly getting used to. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the apps and choices I get with the android. Blackberry was much more simple. The same App on Android vs Blackberry is night and day.  I love the fact that I have banking on my phone again. When the newest blackberry's came out my bank's App insisted on an upgrade but wouldn't install on my phone.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Finally a finish!!

I have come to the conclusion that despite my best intentions I have a hard time actually getting my posts out in the . I tend to start each post shortly after I publish the last but it turns into a running dialog of weeks worth of thoughts, musing, rambling stuff. One thing is I really like to have pictures and it's not always convenient to steal my laptop from my kids to download from my camera.

I was on vacation from Wed 9th and returning to work Tuesday 15th was an awesome break!! I could easily be a very happy and satisfied full time homemaker. I shopped, I cooked, I sewed, (I really should have done some fall cleaning but I didn't) I had time for everyone (including myself) and was completely relaxed. It was wonderful! Back to reality though and the usual hectic routine.

I love these pumpkins! I finished them on the Thursday night of my vacation and filled them that Friday.

Here is a picture of the treats we brought over to our neighbor. We decided to give ahead of time, Baby is teething horribly right now not to mention he's growing like a weed. I was a bit worried the size 18-24 month slippers would be a too small. Hoping they can get a bit of use out of them and all the rest of his treats will be great for his gums. Turns out that my neighbors best friend works at the LQS and had made him a Halloween quilt with the same fabrics. I couldn't stop looking at the perfect stitches and binding.  To say I was impressed is an understatement.

My table runners had to be adjusted from the original plan, I thought I had it all figured out but when I did a check midway through the first I discovered that if I stuck to the plan they would be twice the width of the top they were going on. As I continued to work it just didn't look right (one of the fabrics had a stretch to it no matter what I did). So all of my progress went in the scrap bin and started fresh with a new pattern. Tops were sewn before Thanksgiving dinner on Monday, and have slowly been picking away at the hard part (quilting and binding). Maybe I'll have them done by next fall (sigh)

I was itching to work on Hexagons ... so I did. Back to my Christmas fabric. Apparently, I'm done with Hallowe'en already and ready for Christmas. Usually Hallowe'en is my favorite day of the year but this year I haven't the interest. Normally I've had loot bags prepped for weeks and am starting to decorate the front of the house. I caught myself about to tell Chris we should pull out the Christmas tree over the weekend. I think I'm losing it!

I've always had a hard rule no tree until Dec 10th and it comes down Dec 26th. Last year we broke the rule and put the tree up just before. We gave up on the real trees 2 years ago when we had to scramble on Christmas Eve to replace our Charlie Brown husk of a tree (again).  I think our house is too dry despite watering it (the tree not the house) constantly. We never bought from pre-cut lots but a tree farm where we'd go out into the bush, find, cut and drag back to the main house to pay for. So it wasn't a matter of it not being fresh bringing it home.

I did receive my orders for my fabric of the month subscriptions - I really love everything that came in this month!
Bargain Hunter - Fabric of the month

Batik - Fabric of the month

Kona Solids - Fabric of the month

Lastly, I think I gave Walmart a bad rap last spring. When I went to pick up the stuffing for my pumpkins, the fabric section seems to have tripled (I do take a quick trip to that aisle every-time I go but this was the first time it was actually full) I wonder if they stock up in fall and let the stock dwindle after Christmas until the next fall again ... I picked up a bundle of Christmas fabric that reminds me of my childhood Christmas's. I'm hoping I have less fraying with this fabric. I'm probably going to buy a Singer sewing machine from there for my oldest daughter for Christmas (no cats out of the bag - my kids don't read my blog). I'm going to price compare at the singer dealer (taking my old machine to be serviced). The one at Walmart was really well priced especially when buying for someone who isn't sure if she will enjoy sewing or not.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Was another handful of busy weeks/weekends. Work has kept me hopping during the week and lots of running around (including a few trips to the fabric store and LQS) on the weekends

I did get my table runner figured out and have started working on the first. I really wanted to get one done by this weekend (HA HA like that was going to happen). Honestly, I was doing really well until I got sidetracked by... Pumpkin Candy Case tutorial

I minute I saw this I knew I had to make one for my mom & fill it with my dads favorite candy (I get my sweet tooth from him) win - win right!?! But that meant a trip to the LQS (I really didn't like the choices at the fabric store) to get some fun Halloween fabric. Chris helped me pick out the fabric this past Saturday morning. I had all the fabric (including some fussy cuts) ready to go by Sunday. He's been doing the stuffing for me. So far I have 3 almost completed (just the tops to sew and fill) and already bought a ton of candy to fill them (as tempting as it is I haven't opened any of the bags yet). The first one is I made is for me, the second for my parents and the third for our next door neighbours. Their son is 8 months old so I bought some little non candy treats for him as well.

Last week I checked out the Small blog hop. I didn't join in but I do love cruising the hops as a way to see what others are making that I may not see otherwise. The number of people I follow grows daily. Every morning I start my day with a coffee while reading those blogs. Does life get better than that?

I have to admit some times I feel intimidated by how much all of you can do and make it look effortless. Huge finishes in some cases weekly, incredible applique, fabric/thread work, designing your own patterns, or taking a simple (or complex) pattern and turning it into a work of art just by the colour/fabric choices and the love you put into it. Seriously it leaves me awestruck and inspired to keep going. I may never get to your levels but I will never get better unless I keep trying and I really find the process peaceful.

Have any of you followed Pile O' Fabric's skill builder block of the month? What did you think? Were the instructions and blocks basic enough for a newbie?

No pictures this time - my daughter has come to borrow my laptop again. My extra long weekend started today at 5 pm. Tomorrow morning I have a dr's appointment but the rest of the time is mine and I will be sewing. Hoping to get the pumpkin cases and my table runners done before Saturday. I'll try to get some pictures up by this weekend of my finishes.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Sewing Room ReVamp

I've been picking at this post for a few weeks but didn't want to post until I could get some pictures.

My sewing area was a nightmare. A state of disarray that I had promised myself it would never get to. The cubbies I originally bought to hold my stash were bursting at the seams. It looked like a fabric store vomited all over my cutting table, ironing board, desk, treadmill, chair....pkgs of cotton batting stacked beside my desk - you get the visual a huge disorganized mess (I purposefully didn't take a before picture).

Bargain Lovers Club
My stash and supplies has really grown since I started this experimental journey. One of the local fabric stores having a 50 % off sale once per month (there was another last weekend) has really contributed to my downfall. I always try to go in and buy at least one pkg of batting and usually end up walking out with a lot more. I also received my monthly Block of the month clubs fabric from I have all this stash and other than a few rug mugs absolutely 0 finishes. I better get working on that ratio so I can continue to justify my fabric purchases.

I think he may have over polished that one section
on the upper left - the light reflects off of it in
all my pictures
To solve my issues, Chris found an old grannies cupboard being sold locally. We bought it for next to nothing about a month ago but Chris was in the painstaking (have I mentioned he's the most anal person I've ever met?) process of refinishing it and it's finally done. I love it! Normally, we wouldn't refinish a piece from what we were told was from the 40's but it was previously well loved and had already been modified with painted glass, decals, etc. and was a bit rough around the edges. Seeing it wasn't original, we decided to take the plunge, refinish it to suit our needs and just love it ourselves. New glass bought for the doors and some interesting handles. I spent all Sunday re-organizing everything and ended up moving things around in the sitting area section of the basement as well. Below the doors are missing. He spent extra time finishing them and when he installed them - they are crooked. I won't tell you how many hours he spent before realizing the wood itself has twisted but honestly I don't care if they are a bit off. I LOVE IT!!

My area is so clean, organized and I feel a real sense of peace when I walk into the basement and it's a joy to work in !! It's actually a lot roomier than it looks in this picture.

Scrappy quilt has been getting some love, but I'll be honest hexagons are still getting the majority of my time. The 7 Morris Apprentice mini charms packs are done and it's past time to open the Kona Solids jelly rolls but I've been procrastinating. This is my biggest issue - trusting my color choices. So, itching to do more Hexies I cracked open the Aspen Frost mini's and have been busy. There is something so relaxing with the whole process for me. Only issue is it's after midnight each night and I don't want to stop. If I think back it was like this while working on my first blocks. I think it's a confidence issue. I know it really suffered when I attempted to actually quilt something. When I first started in Feb I didn't question if I could do anything - I just did it ...

Fall fabric picks
Chris has already put another project on my lap. On the weekend I took my little hexagon mug rug that I finished a few weeks ago and placed it on the Lazy Susan on our dining room table to save it from a candle we had burning. He wants me to make a larger one - all hexagons to cover the entire surface. We love that piece of spinning wood but it sure does take a beating. It's the catch all for everything that could scratch/damage the table. Dropped in to the 50 % off sale, I wanted a bit more Christmas-y fabric. My daughter picked out some fall fabric and I picked the solids to contrast (am also going to use the Kona Solid 'Parchment' that came as part of this months Kona Club). I'm going to try to get a few things (ideas that are rattling around in my head) finished in time for Canadian Thanksgiving which is only a few weeks away including something for my Lazy Susan (thank goodness I have a few days off the week before). I've really made a dent towards Christmas so I should put that aside for now besides I didn't find the Christmas fabric I was looking for (though I did find this fun white with red) but of course I found exactly what I want online. Hmmm.....

Batik Lovers Club
Thinking about the needed class/skills building effort I was referring to in my last posts I pulled up my LQS online calendar. They have many beginner courses available but all are during the day (which is not going to be doable with my 8-5 job), the only exception of Thursday evenings. The one evening I can't make it because of other obligations. I can't take any of the beyond beginner courses that are offered until I have completed the level 1. (which makes sense - I personally hate it when I'm giving or attending advanced training and there are individuals who haven't even grasped the basics. It throws the entire schedule off and usually means you never really get to the end of your session ). I'll take another look in the Spring - maybe the schedule will work then.

I'm also a member of craftsy - I probably should take a closer look at their lessons again.

I did find this though: Sarah Quilts is doing a "Your 1st Quilt" tutorial and included a tutorial on backing/basting. The light blub finally went off. I know exactly one of the areas I've been going wrong. I knew the batting had to be bigger than the top, what I didn't realize was the back should be larger than the batting. What does that mean for me ... well I'm going to have to add more fabric to the backing of my poorly named doggie quilt. It's a good thing I have lots of fabric left over. Looking forward to her next posts to see what other little things I've been doing wrong.

Kona Club

Lessons I learned this month...
Backing needs to be the largest part of your quilt sandwich.
EPP Hexagons are addictive & I am working really hard not to make all my posts about Hexie love.
Don't ever refer to your quilt with a lame or cutesy name thinking you will give a new/better name later. The name will stick and then every time you refer to it, it'll be with a cringe and will feel the need to apologize or admit you know it sucks. (I do still love this quilt despite it's name)

Did you see my counter? I have 2 followers!! Super excited! A huge THANK-YOU to both! I believe I'm following you back, let me know if I'm not.  :)

Lastly, here is a chair that we were recently given from Chris's grandpa who moved into a retirement home. It has so many memories for Chris and is a really special piece. Originally there was a his & hers. Only this one remained. Isn't it beautiful!

Happy Fall Sewing!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Yesterday, I posted that I created a new area on my blog to keep track of my WIP/UFO's. I don't sleep well on most nights and lately it's gotten much worse. My previous average of around 6 hours has turned into lucky if I get 4. I finally had an epiphany. A month or so ago I switched from enjoying a decaf coffee in the evenings to green tea. It took weeks for my sleep deprived brain to figure out that green tea unless otherwise specified is caffeinated. Here is a little insight into of one of the many things that I've been obsessing thinking about in the wee hours in between watching the clock, cursing my impending alarm and praying for just a bit of sleep...

neglected scrappy quilt
I've been having so much enjoyment from working daily on my the hexagons that my poor scrappy quilt has been sitting in a box on my cutting table for the past 3-4 weeks.

I feel guilty for pushing it aside. Yes, I realize it's an inanimate object but at night it haunts me like I'm ignoring a child for its more interesting sibling (bare in mind I'm severely lacking sleep). I have come to the conclusion that I need to shift my focus a bit and give it some love and attention even if only for a few minutes each day.

The plan is still to use chocolate minky as border around each of the 4 - 9 patches sections and backed with the spotted plush fabric I bought on sale months ago. Something you want to snuggle into on the couch.

I was thinking of making it in sandwich blocks and quilt as you go but haven't fully committed to that yet. I have a pattern rattling around my head to quilt. In theory it's simple enough for me to do decently while not compromising too much of the plushness.

Thankfully, my Doggie quilt (I really need to come up with a better name) is patient and understanding that I'm not ready to finish it in the manner it deserves. Although I've said numerous times that I may just hand quilt it, I still haven't abandoned the hope of machine quilting and binding it. Not to mention, I still have no clue how I'm going to quilt it - I didn't like the look or feel of the straight (or in my case not so straight) lines. All I know is this quilt is meant for my than my current skill level and it doesn't feel right to compromise it just to get it done. I want to love all my quilts no matter if they are destined for a dog bed or the queen. I'll leave the major skill developing to my rug mugs and pot holders for now ;)

Which brings me to my Carpenter's wheel. Well .. with the original layout a thing of the past, I need more fabric. So until I find what I'm looking for he's been benched.

Last night while watching Faceoff and Heroes of Cosplay after we discovered we don't have the 'right' combination of super channels and missed SOA season 6 premiere (FX Canada which we have was showing season 4??) I basted another 20 or so hexagons. The more I work on these the more I'm sure that I'm going to use the Kona solids for the center as well as the originally intended third row. Now, should I use the same center as the surrounding ring or make using different contrasting color? I think I'm leaning towards the latter.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

All about hexagons

(this has been another 2 week long post in the making )

I received my package from Stitch In the Ditch on last Tuesday in August (the 27th).

Again It wasn't exactly what I ordered. Yes in the photo that is a pkg of 1" hexagon pieces. All I could think was you dummy you ordered the wrong thing. Checked my shipping invoice to see if it was replacement - maybe they were back ordered on the Dies & sent the pieces as a sorry for the delay type thing. Nope it said 1" hexagons on the invoice. I know what my order amount was and those would be pretty expensive pieces of paper so I looked up my order and clicked on the item I ordered and yes I ordered the 1" Sizzix Hexagon Die not the pieces. Phew!

I called the owner and she looked up my order and apologized. She mentioned that they've been swamped with orders (I know Fat Quarters was as well - I received a message that due to high volume of orders they would be delayed sending mine out). We had a good chat and both came to the conclusion everyone stocking up for winter (I can't get over how nice & friendly people in the quilt community are). I originally said I was going to ship those pieces back. As we were talking I changed my mind. I've been dying to try out making hexies and would prefer to either get the knack for them before I go away (if I go away - I haven't heard anymore on that) or discover now that I hate making Hexies. So I told her to just charge my account for those paper pieces.

She is making sure the Die gets shipped - so probably a week an a half delivery from BC.

Armed with those little pieces I decided to do a test with one of my first fabric purchases - Moda Snap Pop Candy & 3 Sisters Paris Flea Market Mini Charm packs (I love them both but have never found the right project to use them)

I did 2 different flowers machine stitched with a zig zag, one basted and one glued. Then one hand stitched basted and one glued.

Glued vs Basted

Using both methods the Hexies came out with perfect sides and folds so no real difference there. I really love how fast you can make the hexie using the glue, but I also enjoyed the process of basting (only pricked my finger once) Glue is fast and easy but is a bit messy. Basting takes a bit more time (but I was getting quicker with each one) and is a bit fussy.

Hand Stitched Vs Machine
Snap Pop Candy
I had some technical issues with the zig zag stitch on the basted flower but I think that was more a 'me' thing than the actual process. Again, it took under 10 minutes to get those machine sewn. (I had both of these done Tuesday evening)

So my results - machine sewn both glued and basted - paper ripped and was not reusable - maybe I did something wrong!?!

Hand sewn Hexagons papers were re-usable in both glued and basted.

Paris Flea Market
 Obviously whip stitching the hexies together took more time. I found decent lighting is an absolute must for me (otherwise can't thread the darn needle). The more I did the faster I got. The faster I got ... the more I wanted to do. Ack vicious cycle.

Paris Flea Market
So my conclusion is if you want instant gratification & don't care that those papers are trash at the end - use the glue and the machine method. (I had finished this the 4 single flowers within 2 days and wrote this blog but didn't post because I wanted to show something finished - which obviously didn't happen). I did the third ring using only hand basting and whip stitch while tuning into the Harry Potter marathon on the long weekend when I had 'me' time. Harry Potter is awesome. It really brings me back to when the kids were young. I won't say life wasn't hectic and a lot of the time was just pure chaos, but I really miss those days.

On Saturday Aug 31st I received my jelly rolls from Fat Quarter now that I'm looking the colors I'm wondering if it will be too much busy centers then surrounded with the neutral then the white.  I may modify my original plan a bit. Once I get the patterned hexies  done I'll lay them out and make a decision.

Snap Pop Candy

 One thing  I absolutely need to work on is my quilting and binding and figure out what works for me. Either that or I need to switch to hand quilting only! I really suck at it using my machine! Pictured is a pot holder ...
This past Friday Aug 6th, I received my Die. I didn't get around to trying it out until the next morning. My son was  chatting with me and we were talking about how many hexagons I need. So while we were chatting decided to time me to me - 160 perfect hexagon papers in under 10 minutes. Insane! It probably would have been more if I knew he was timing me, but I didn't so I wasn't rushing.

We had a girls day where we all got cuts and color on Saturday afternoon and I was able to do some while my color was setting. Sunday I spent the morning at my parents and afternoon shopping with the girls but I was still able to baste about 100 hexagons out of the the Morris Apprentice mini packs. Only 196 more to go and they will be done.

I also added a new list to my blog named UFO's. When I started this quilting journey I never intended to have UFO's but well there it is. As I said above my machine binding and quilting skills are seriously lacking ... I see a lot of mug rugs and pot holder finishes in my future.

I was able to wipe another item off my wish list this afternoon. Chris went shopping while I was working and came home with an incredible iron for me. I'm in love - no leaks, no water stains, it glides over fabric like butter - it's awesome! Added item more straight pins. I'm going to have to get them in bulk.

I also bought 2 magazines in the past few weeks - both Fon's and Porter. If you look at my collection of quilting magazines it seems Fon's and Porter seem to be the majority. Maybe I'll put a subscription on my Christmas list... along with the Pandora bracelet the youngest said she'd plant hints to Chris on my behalf.

Rereading this the money would be better spent on a class on binding and machine quilting ....:P

Off to celebrate my oldest daughters 17th birthday today.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Excitement arrived in the mail

I received the first of my online purchases deliveries today.

Aspen Frost Candy packs

Block of the Month - Kona Solids
Sew Sisters candy packs (Moda's Morris Apprentice and Aspen Frost) and my 3 block of the month fabric. I didn't receive the Aspen Frost charm pack but on the order I said to send what they had. They modified my charge for the items I actually received.

Block of the Month - Bargain Hunter
I have to admit the fabric I received for the Bargain hunter 10 Fat quarters is not something I would ever choose, but after I got over the migraine inducing colors and patterns initial surprise of the bold choices I noticed how the colors compliment each other I see endless possibilities. Guess this is what I needed to give me a shove out of my muted comfort zone...

Still waiting for my 1" Hexie die & jelly rolls.

Block of the Month - Batik
On Sunday I got a lot of the rows for the 9 patch sewn up (in rows of 3) only 4 more stacks of 3 rows to go (16 squares per stack or broken down further 192 squares ). Then I can move on to turning those rows of 3 into 9. I know there is a much more simple way - I could have sewn the lengths and then cut each at 2.5 intervals and voila 1 full row but that occurred to me after I'd already cut everything. Lesson for next time.

I'm going to break into the Apprentice candy packs this weekend. Separate into 42 piles of 7 matching squares. I calculated 6 squares are needed for the middle ring and 1 for another's center which will give me the 42 unique patterns. I will need 504 hexies for the outer ring which is where the neutral jelly rolls come in. I did a quick count of 18 white are needed to surround each flower so 756? 294 + 504 + 756 = 1554 That's a whole lot of Hexagon's and I'm itching to get started!!

I'd better click post before I forget. Have an incredible weekend!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

August progress?? GRR formatting nightmare today

I'm a really bad blogger. Halfway through August already how did that happen? Warning! This post is loaded with pictures.
dragonfly in our garden
Well I caught the dreaded summer cold which is finally after a month seeming to be on it's last legs. We took a trip to the local zoo where I took over 700 pictures deleting the blurry ones as I went - I can't even imagine what the film & processing cost would have been pre-DSLR!! but I got some incredible pictures of the lions feeding, the siberian tiger pacing, a very rude spider monkey (lets just say he was proud of his male parts), baboons, peacocks, eagles, cougar, zebra ... I could go on but you get the idea.Chris's brother and sister in law came from out west for a visit, they are so laid back it was a real treat spending time with them. I wish they lived closer. Then there was covering everyone's vacation at work & getting prepared for my own, a death (my uncles), a few birthdays & a bbq at my parents topped off with a trip to a local flea market.
A rescued Eagle at the zoo

from Mom's garden
I was really expecting to find some fabric at the flea market but all I found were mass produced quilts from China (they had the manufacturer tag on them - you know the one that says do not remove). SO disappointing. While it was interesting to look at them they totally cheated. The embroidery wasn't done well and was already pulled on most that had it and the rag quilt lets just say the 'rag' was added after it had been pieced. But do I wish I could do a perfect stipple like was on every one of those quilts. $160/quilt can you imagine? Now that I know the actual effort, thought and money that goes into a handmade quilt I was a bit deflated to see these. Over all the entire flea market was more like a massive junk garage sale sprinkled with a few legitimate sellers. Chris used to go to this flea market regularly during his first marriage and he said it has changed. Very different then what I think of from flea markets of my childhood. There is another that is further out I remember going to as a child (funny enough the one we went to is about 15 minutes away from where I grew up but don't remember ever going to it) from the site it looks so much more promising and driving an hour and a half each way it will be a nice way to spend a Sunday. I would really love to go to the one in St Catherines we used to go to with my grandmother but then again probably better I never do in case doesn't live up to those happy memories with my grandmother.
He wouldn't move far enough from the fence to get the depth needed for the fence to be more transparent

the exhibitionist Spider monkey


I love this picture
I'm on the last few days of my 2 week vacation. I'd say it really flew but lately everyday/week flies so not unexpected. Truthfully, it seems like it was only a few weeks ago we were watching the last few snow piles melt.

What have I been doing the past month and a half sewing wise? I made a 4 patch log cabin that looks like a cross (was not my intention) I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but it's not big enough as is.

Mug rug my youngest designed
 From there I made some mug rugs and started making a scrappy 9 patch (16 squares of 36 different fabrics) I think I need more fabric). I'm the first to admit I'm not a fast sewer, cutter, or layout/color decider. My sweetie is so encouraging and tells me not to worry it will come as I get more practice. The 9 patch is a real family project. I had them all look at the fabrics and move them around, or sometimes replaced til they all agreed they liked the combinations.I need to work on binding. Used the wrong stitch. I did see a tutorial after the fac.
Mug Rug 2

Exciting news - I got a promotion and splurged and bought a Sizzix big kick and a few flower dies to work on a memorial piece of my grannie that I'm making for my mom, and 2 aunts. Slowly the pieces for this project are coming together.

Family designed 9 scrappy patch
 Ever since I bought my sewing machine in February, there is a site I go to every couple of weeks and drool over the fabrics Sew Sisters. They also have 3 block of the month clubs that I keep telling myself I'll join one of these days - well yesterday was the day. What better way to spend a small portion of  my promotion? Now each month to get to have that spoiled feeling continue I took the the plunge and signed up for the Kona (4 half yards of Kona solids), Bargain Lovers (10 fat quarters) and Batik (4 half yards of Batiks). They also had grandmothers garden kits for sale but only 6 different patterns online. I called the store to find out if if they were going to turn it into a block of the month but Judy (the owner who was incredibly helpful and very sweet) informed me they started the kits last summer and only have those 6 left (2 retro 30's and 4 brights). They will not be continuing with them. She did assure me that the Block of the month clubs will not be going away anytime soon.

Exhibitionist spider monkey
Drat I really wanted her to say they were going to continue as a block of the month. When I bought the cutter I did look for hexagon dies but everywhere I went they were sold out. Last night I found a Canadian site Stitch in the ditch  that sells Sizzix dies and actually has the hexagon in stock I went and ordered a 1" die. This site mostly specializes in cutting/notions not a lot of fabric. Hoping it doesn't take too long for delivery.

2 failed Mug rugs - look like Christmas trees
Feeling pleased with myself, I went back to Sew Sisters ordered a whack of the Morris Apprentice candy squares (I totally admit I'm taking the easy route by doing this) but will have 42 different hexies out of these little packs (hoping this will be enough). Found neutral Kona solid jelly rolls to cut up to make the third surrounding ring from the Fat Quarters Shop. I have 4 meters of plain white cotton in my stash I can painstakingly easily cut into 2.5" squares and being plain white will be easy to find/match when if I need more. I also bought Aspen Frost Christmas candy squares/charm packs. Bought 2 of the Candy and 1 Charm pack to make (non hexie) mug rugs. If they actually turn out I may give them as stocking stuffers (only 129 days 'til Christmas). This should keep me busy for a while!

Tiger pacing

So what spurred this hexie mania? I've been asked to possibly travel to one of our offices in mid September for application testing. 2 weeks of evenings alone in hotel room with not much to do is what got me thinking about hexies and will probably be a great hand project to take with me. I also googled LQS's and it came up with 5 stores not far from where I'll be. If I'm feeling sick of my own company on the weekends  I have a feeling I will probably use up my duty free allowance just on fabric. I hope my girls are interested in trying to make hexies, I'd happily get them the supplies to make their own quilt/pillow cases.
My clematis
So that's it for now. Hopefully I'll have some progress to show before another month has passed.
Not sure what happened had to edit this 4 times to try to fix the formatting