I found Dick and Jane fabric online that screams of childhood memories. My mother sat with me for hours with these books and know she did the same with my kids when she took care of them during the day while I worked in an office (office closed and I was lucky to get moved to a work from home position when my youngest was 9) . When I purchased this fabric I had a plan. I was going bold and keeping it to primary colors.
That won't work anywhere in mom's house.
Are you making this to be used or stuffed in a closet?
She doesn't have anything vintage and nothing is done in primary colors.
You need to plan the colors around the spare room.
Although the house is over 150 years old it's fairly modern except for one room. This spare room is pinks, greens and white & is where all the kid stuff is stored. It is very girly and has all older furniture. All our old books (including the entire Dick and Jane series) in a bookshelf handmade by my father over 50 years ago, an old refinished vanity, treasures of mine, both my sisters and the grand-kids that were left over the years and most importantly the rocking chair her father gave her when my oldest sister was born (just shy of 50 years ago). So my sister convinced me to change the plan but I'll be honest with the change of plans the excitement I originally had wasn't there.

After we had gotten a great theme going that would work with the room, we discussed what I was actually doing with the fabric and what I had originally envisioned, one of the ladies told me what I needed to hear. Go back to the original plan to work with the those panels.
Still loving what we picked to go in that room, we took a quick look at patterns and I really loved the look of the Simply Sassy. We added the middle fabric to the original selection (which kind of works but kind of doesn't) to add an extra pop of color and I like the way it ties the pink and the green in. The bright pink is actually more dusty than in the picture and is going where the brighter yellow is in the pattern. The light grey is the outer border and white will replace the black. Now I have 2 quilts planned for my mother and was hoping to have one finished in time for mother's day . And the best part is the original excitement is back.
The lesson I learned, give yourself a bit of credit, trust yourself and your vision. Just because someone else doesn't love your plan doesn't mean its wrong. Stop letting others talk you out of something you are excited about. This is for my own enjoyment, they aren't commissioned pieces. So I figure this gives me freedom to follow my heart where ever it takes me.
(The top portion of this post sat in draft since I wrote it March 15)
Last weekend we had my parents over for Easter dinner. I took the plunge and showed my mom the fabric for the quilts I had planned for her with the disclaimer, these were to be for Mother's day but I'm not going to make it. When she saw the Dick and Jane selection her reaction told me I had a hit. She is so excited and loves the fabric I picked to go with it. She said they are well worth the wait!
Helpful links I found reading blogs:
Tutorial on burying your knots - I love Crazy Mom Quilts & it seems so simple when it's shown like this!
Quilt as you go based on Ann Peterson's Craftsy class Quilting-Big-Projects-on-a-Small-Machine: littleislandquilting (she got permission to give this quick tutorial) I found this really helpful as I was trying to figure out how to attach the back section. There are other tips and tricks in this tutorial and has moved to the top of my list of classes I want to take.
Off to do some Sunday Sewing, hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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