6. Big Dipper 7. Birds in the Air 8. Bouquet 9. Box |
My sewing machine has sat idle for most of the time since my fall over a month ago. I had next to nothing quilty related to show other than a bit of hexies (and even there, not much to show). Last weekend I got back at it and now have Blocks 6- 10 done. Block 7 really didn't interest me as I started cutting out the little pieces. Once I started piecing it together it was worth all the fuss. I really loved how the batik version turned out. I discovered the striped purple fabric has some stretch and would have greatly benefited with a good drenching of spray starch.
6. Big Dipper 7. Birds in the Air 8. Bouquet 9. Box |
The batik version of Big Dipper and Bouquet are a bit a bit busy. I should have gone more neutral contrast but other than that I'm pretty happy. (used ribbit to make the collages, I'm limited to 4 blocks unless I upgrade to premium).
10. Bowtie |
I'm really behind on my
personal schedule and haven't even started
on my mothers day quilt(s) for my mother. There are two planned quilts for her (more on this later) but neither have had any forward motion and the chances of either being done in time for mothers day are slim to none.... hmm maybe they'll be done in time for my parents anniversary in August or her October birthday.
On a positive note my doctor sent me for more x-rays a week after my fall. Nothing broken but apparently it is visible that I pushed my tail-bone back. Not really sure what that means, but the anti-inflammatory are helping and I'm noticing that the pain isn't insane by noon any more and most days I can manage until bedtime without having to go lie down right after work. Being able to do regular motions, like standing up, bending over and walking up stairs is also getting less painful.
Using my downtime productively (ha ha) I engaged in some retail therapy. I finally found a Canadian on-line store
Hamels that has selection galore! This is a huge discovery for me! Between the ever increasing shipping charges from US to Canada and having to go through Customs I can put that extra money towards more fabric!! While I'm still supporting my LQS for other purchases and would love to always have the instant gratification of buying there, they just don't have Designers/Collections that comes close to compare and the popular lines the LQS does receive sells out quickly
(typically its sold out before I even knew they had it).
Many months back I bought some batiks that I planned to make my girls quilts with. Long story short, they didn't love
(or even like for that matter) my choice of fabric. So we went hunting online through fabric lines and they choose what appealed to them. I bought layer cakes and jelly roll of each fabric to start. I probably should have gone with a fat 8th bundle... but we'll chalk that up as a live and learn lesson.
My oldest daughter picked out Blackbird Design - Plum Sweet
My youngest picked out Kansas Troubles - Token of Friendship.
I'm in love with the Plum Sweet line. I knew immediately what I wanted to do and I've already bought & received the fabric for background, backing and should have enough fabric left over to make a few pillow cases and to add to my scrap stash. I'm planning on doing a carpenters/swoon like hybrid. Fingers crossed it turns out. I'm going to take some practice fabric and make some sample blocks to figure out the easiest way to get the look I want, with the fabric size I have and go from there.
The Kansas Troubles has been exactly that TROUBLE, she discovered it when I was showing her the Sweet Pea line. Since it arrived I've picked up that fabric so many times, waiting for some spark of inspiration and got nothing. Wondering what I was going to do ... I went to my favorite go to site when looking for patterns
Quilters Cache and bookmarked a few I knew would work. I showed my daughter my top 2 choices and it's game on! So the trouble quilt will be made in the
Buzzsaw Block (I will not be paper piecing this - much better if I figure out the dimensions/angles for the cuts and go forward that way). Now with that decided I was back and forth with making a solid color between or not.The more I thought on it the more I decided on a single beige color to take some of the heavy darkness out. To make block after block would mean I would have to pre-plan everything which is NOT my strong suit. Decision made so I took the plunge. More than enough fabric for background & backing has been ordered. Once it was a done deal the second guessing started up again - is there a better pattern out there? Will the background be what I really want? Now that it's been over a week since I placed the order, I can't remember what I picked so it will be like a surprise pack when it arrives. I figure this quilt is either going to turn out awesome or it's going to be a struggle all the way through. Praying its the former.
Now I'm on the lookout for the perfect fabric/pattern for my son and my two son's from another mother (Chris's boys from his first marriage). My son is so laid back compared to his sisters, you'd think it would be easy but his color choices are very different from mine (he's all about earthy colors) and his choice in pattern preferences always surprises me. Our other two boys are a bit easier, as long as the oldest's quilt is themed in blue/grey tones I should be good, the younger I'm seeing more of a quilt in rich solids with a modern feel. When it comes right down to it, as long as they're all made with love is what counts the most.
I have to admit reading over my to do list I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I see a sewing room re-organization in my very near future to help keep all the work I have planned straight.
You will notice I added a Truth Tea badge. Molli Sparkles had an interesting blog on giving your honest opinion on others work (when and not taking offence. I waffled on whether I was going to add this or not. While I could never say I hate that particular fabric or pattern or bluntly say Oh that's sooo ugly (other than my internal dialogue), I'm a firm believer of Constructive Criticism especially when it comes to myself. If my seams are wonky (which they will be) feel free to say so especially if you know where I'm going wrong or how to fix it! In my daily job, I write a lot of internal documents. On release I always ask for and appreciate feedback so that I can make changes on the current and/or store away for future. Honestly, Any comments are welcome. I'm a complete newbie and still working out the kinks of fabric choice, pattern selections, lined up seams, straight seams and some days just getting my seams to be 1/4 inch. I'll take any suggestions you are willing to throw my way!
And while I'm talking about honesty, here's a bit of truth I've been holding in for over a year... While I love the Carpenters Star, I absolutely loathed the look of Swoon (which is just a modified CS). I really didn't get the whole bulky surrounds look which in my opinion makes the block take on a squat/stubby quality. That said, I'll admit I've seen a few where fabric choices has made it work so slowly the pattern has grown on me and I don't cringe when I see the word swoon.
Stay tuned - I have another two posts in draft mode that need a bit of TLC in the way of uploading pictures. The one on the quilts for my mom written a few months ago, and the other I started last night.