
Monday, 10 July 2017

Does it matter how your quilt is used?

I've been reading a lot of blogs and Facebook quilting groups where I see a ton of people commenting on how disappointed they are with how the quilts they gift are being used or not used. Of course I would love to see all quilts I make used and loved.

Which brings me to the first quilt I finished - my puppy quilt which was stashed in a safe spot and taken out every few months to be washed, admired, then refolded and back to its storage spot. I DID NOT want it be ruined by the dogs (it being my first quilt) About a year ago I took it out to show someone and it was left on the couch which the dogs quickly took advantage of.  I was annoyed and kept saying to myself next time I wash it it's going back into storage but after each wash it just ends up back on the couch and loved up by the dogs. I've finally come to the conclusion it was made to be used and is washable.

My second quilt was Dick and Jane quilt that I made for my mother. It was on the back of a chair in their living room then moved to her rocking chair in the second spare room. This room has all the memories from mine and my sisters childhoods. So it's fitting that it's in this room on the rocking chair her father gave her when my oldest sister was born and the rocking chair I used for all 3 of my children. While it's not being used I know it's cherished.

My others get pulled out on occasion but go back on the quilt rack after each wash until the next time they are needed. I like to believe the quilt I made for my goddaughter is used. Her mom says it is so I'm taking that at face value and feel good about it.

So how do you feel about the use of your quilts? Do you care if they are used by the dog? Do you squirrel them away only to be brought out on occasion? Does the use or lack of use detract from the thought, love, care and money you put into a gifted quilt?

I read one commenter who has a method to her quilt gifting. She said when a person she'd like to gift a quilt to visits, she has few different quilts out, if the person visiting is drawn to a quilt she tells them to take it. She said that way she knows the one they chose suits them and they will appreciate the gift. If they ignore the quilts she doesn't bother offering one.

Thinking about this reminded me of my great aunt Molly, she painted and made crocheted animals with clothes and other things I'm sure. She always had stacks of the animals in the corner of her room. When we visited we always played with them and ended up leaving with one we played with the entire visit. She passed away when I was very young but I remember playing with them and treasuring those animals for years and never forgot who gave them to me. I think that's the trick in gifting handmade items and a good model to follow.

Since my vacation not much has been happening in my sewing room or anywhere else. I wish I could say it's the beautiful weather but it's been a pretty rainy summer so far. I've got so much I could be doing and I think that's part of the problem. My space is a chaotic mess, I'd moved things and scrunched things together to use the room as a storage/sleeping area while we did the flooring in the girls room. The basement has been a catchall for all the stuff  no one wants in their room but isn't ready to commit to toss either. Up next is our bedroom then my sewing room. Can't wait!!

Hopefully next post I'll have something quilty to post!