I took 3 weeks of my annual vacation early this year. I have to say it flew by in flash. This year's vacation was more of a renocation. We've been laying oak hardwood. We didnt get as far as we hoped with waiting for home depots yearly flooring sale, long weekend bumping delivery a full week, then acclimating the wood and Chris's work schedule. We got one room done, have two last rows on second room which Chris will finish tomorrow (the beauty of working rotating shift work - he only works 3 days a week and has a full seven day off shift stretch every forth week) The second room was fully painted and started laying flooring down on part of one hallway when trying to figure out the girls doorways. We ran into some major frustration with both rooms doors and bathroom being angled toward each other & door frames were butted up against one another. Did I mention we also discovered our walls aren't straight and in some areas actually concave. Still to go is our room, my office, the hallway to my office and the stairs.
1st room done |
Seeing we had to remove the baseboards and doors/closets we decided to take advantage and give them all a wash and fresh coat of paint. What I always forget is how much prep work is required before you can do your first paint stroke. We did find that working as a team the job of laying the hardwood goes much faster but I've used muscles I forgot I had!! The only sewing I got done was EPP, my office was out of commission with moving the girls stuff in there while we worked on their rooms.
2nd room in progress |
I did finish the top to Madison's petal patch top the weekend before vacation! Yay! I probably won't get it finished until after the floors are all done and we have everything back in its proper rooms. Here is a quick picture of it - I just noticed it still needs a trim on the heart of that last side. There are some mistakes and fudging that happened that are fairly apparent but I am so happy this one is ready for the next stage!
Well that's it for now. I'm exhausted, have more splinters than I can count but its back to the grind bright and early. I will need to be at my best to try and tackle my work inbox which is going to be a nightmare!