
Friday, 4 September 2015

August shopping spree

I have been MIA for quite awhile. I have no clue where the summer has gone and can't believe back to school is only a few days away. I haven't made any progress on anything. I have been itchy to sew just never at the right time - usually around 10 am during the week... which for obvious reasons can't happen

Work is finally becoming somewhat sane. We hired another admin who is awesome and we are finally making a dent on the back log even with others going on vacation I'm starting to feel less stressed.

I did break down and ordered some fabric (seen in pictures throughout this post) I've been in love with cold spell batiks by Laundry Baskets since I first saw it. My goddaughter loves blue and I plan to do a rail fence quilt in time for her 21st birthday next March. I need to find something for her mom  - she loves jewel colurs especially purples and greens who's birthday is one day after. I also picked up more Sweetwater Feed Company, and Ho Ho Ho by Deb Strain. I have big plans for the christmas fabric.